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About the National HIV Story Trust

The NHST is about filming, recording and preserving the history of those affected by the AIDS pandemic of the 1980s and 90s. Our work includes creating a vast public archive, educational outreach and using our learnings to understand the challenges that people living with HIV face in later life. We also proudly work with creative organisations to ensure the history of HIV and AIDS can never be forgotten.


Your generous support helps us to secure, preserve and protect the stories of the HIV and AIDS pandemic. In doing so, we can ensure the stories continue to be retold to younger generations, including through the arts and education.
Can you help NHST with outreach and fundraising? Email [email protected] if you would like to volunteer with us... HIVstory is now live!... Our first book 'Love, Loss & Life' out now!... Contact us to organise an education session with our powerful speakers!... Help ensure the history of HIV and AIDS is never forgotten.

Feature film.

The feature film is at the heart of the NHST's work. Click 'Feature film' to find out more!

Public archive.

After filming over 120 interviews telling the full story of the HIV and AIDS pandemic, we donated our collection to the London Metropolitan Archive where it has been made publicly available and will exist in perpetuity as a public resource. This archive continues to grow as more people share their incredible stories.


The history of HIV and AIDS is being forgotten, while younger generations understand little of the pandemic. As a result ignorance and stigma still surrounds HIV. The NHST can provide educational speakers for your organisation, including schools, colleges, business and the media.

Later life.

The NHST is dedicated to not only honouring those who did not survive but using the lessons we’ve learnt to support those living with HIV today. We place centre stage the survivors still here who are entering later life, many of whom did not expect to survive or make provision for old age.


The power of storytelling is how art brings history to life. Many of our interviewees have spoken about the pleasure they found in artistic pursuit. Learn more about how we have supported the arts through our work, helping to raise public awareness of HIV and of the NHST’s work.

Meet the team

The NHST is lucky to have many fantastic supporters. Meet our Patrons, Trustees, Committee members and Supporters.

Love, Loss & Life - Out Now!

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