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This World AIDS Day Paul Coleman, the founder of the National HIV Story Trust (NHST), has written that while there is no definitive story of AIDS, the stories that exist offer an incredible legacy.

In our recent history more than 20,000 people died of AIDS in the UK, globally almost 33 million, and there were many more millions of lovers, friends, relatives and carers whose lives would be deeply affected by being part of that story. The memories and experiences are a rich, difficult, heart-wrenching and uplifting resource and moving testimonial.

The many stories of AIDS offer us an incredible legacy that should be protected and remembered forever.

You can read Paul’s full article on Openly here.

Find out more about the National HIV Story Trust here.


Your generous support helps us to secure, preserve and protect the stories of the HIV and AIDS pandemic. In doing so, we can ensure the stories continue to be retold to younger generations, including through the arts and education.

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