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Earlier today, the NHST team delivered one of our corporate sessions with the Just Eat team in London.


Keeping the stories of the HIV/AIDS pandemic alive is a key focus of our work and we were glad to speak to the team. Our session was linked to LGBTQ+ History Month (which is February in the UK), but it is worth noting that HIV can affect anyone and though long considered to be a “gay man’s disease”, today 54% of people living with HIV globally are women.


Thank you for having us and for your brilliant questions.


JET & Proud LGBTQIA+ Network UK Lead Connor Fazakerley said: “NHST provided a very personal and honest talk on HIV and how it has impacted them directly. Just Eat colleagues were both shocked and intrigued by what they learnt from a range of speakers. The overall experience was very special.”


Contact NHST to organise a similar session for your organisation via [email protected] and we’d be pleased to put together a tailored presentation for you.


Your generous support helps us to secure, preserve and protect the stories of the HIV and AIDS pandemic. In doing so, we can ensure the stories continue to be retold to younger generations, including through the arts and education.

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