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Paul Coleman, founder of the National HIV Story Trust, wrote in the Independent about the similarities between the HIV and coronavirus pandemics – as well as some key differences.

It’s 2020 and we’re fighting a global health crisis with lockdowns and quarantines, social distancing and shielding. People’s lives have been turned upside down. Loved ones and livelihoods lost. Healthcare workers are distancing themselves from their families. Dangerous misinformation spreads wildly. Terminology like “patient zero”, “R” and “super spreader” are now part of our daily parlance.

Sound familiar?

Read the full article here.

Find out more about the National HIV Story Trust here.


Your generous support helps us to secure, preserve and protect the stories of the HIV and AIDS pandemic. In doing so, we can ensure the stories continue to be retold to younger generations, including through the arts and education.

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